
Your Contribution to Tomorrow’s World

Dear Courageous Soul,

You burst in tears – you want to contribute to a better world so badly. At the same time you feel so overwhelmed by all the bad news about the world we live in. “How can I be of any service?” This question tears your heart.

gelbe_blume_kleinWhenever you perceive a deficit, whenever you grieve on certain circumstances, whenever you get angry or furious about certain human behavior – it is a calling for your gift that you are here to offer to the world. It is a calling for your unique medicine that you carry in your heart that is desperately needed in the world. It is a calling for you to step into your inner and outer leadership.

If you can perceive the deficit, you have a vision of how it could be organized in a better way.

If you grieve on certain circumstances, you have an idea of what would be so beneficial and healing for these situations.

If you get angry or furious about certain human behavior, you hold a vision of the great potential that is not being used yet.

If you get triggered, you are being called forth to make a difference. Your playing small doesn’t help yourself nor anybody else. Your withdrawing and backing out doesn’t serve your soul nor humanity nor the world.

“Be the difference you want to see in the world”
~ Mahatma Ghandi

So I call you forth to become consciously aware of what you perceive, grieve, get angry or furious about. Ask yourself: What is it that I carry in me that could serve these situations? And then bring this medicine to the world around you. Take a stand for what is so very dear to your heart. Be true to yourself.

I call you forth to stand up and consciously offer us all your contribution for tomorrow’s world. Start where you are. Start with who you are. Start with what you have right now. The next steps will become visible once you are on the way. Be a conscious co-creator of our common future, of tomorrow’s world, of evolution.

I call you forth to grow into the next bigger version of yourself.

I bow to you in gratefulness,
Uli, your Soul Sister

PS: We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

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I have a dream

gelbe_blume_mit_viel_bluetenstaengelnI dream of a world in which all beings walk their path full of confidence.

That’s why I follow my longing to bring people closer to the mystery of their existence: Each and every person brings in an amazing contribution to evolution with her / his uniqueness – day by day, in the large scale as in the small scale.

My work aims to make people aware of their contribution to the success of the world. In this way they perceive meaning in their life and experience appreciation. They feel empowered, they blossom! 🙂 🙂 🙂


Dear Courageous Soul,

The Innocence in me sees the Innocence in you.

weiße_dolde_duftend_fruehlingNo matter how hard we all try to protect our innocent and vulnerable core behind thick clothes or walls, this beautiful loving essence continues to shine brightly. These True Colors are who we really are at the core of our being.

We have so many good reasons that make us think or feel that we have to protect ourselves and our innocence. We have all made our experiences that made us believe that it is not safe to live from this place of innocence deep down in us.

Our Innocence is nothing we need to overcome, deny, or hide away. Our Innocence is a pure source of joyfulness and trust. In this place we feel interconnected, we feel being met by the benevolent presence of Life. In this place failure and separation don’t exist – not even the notion of it. In this place we are completely immersed in our dharma, in our true being – we feel one with the Mystery of Life.

Feel into your own inner depth – right now. Can you feel this innocent loving part in you? Smiling at the Mystery of Life in awe and wonder – and at the same time with such an intrinsic sense of being “right”. All is well, this is a friendly mystery.

About a year ago I promised myself that I would cherish my Innocence and live my life from this place of Innocence. I admit that I don’t manage every day, but I have my reminders and stay rooted in this intention. I return to my Innocence consciously. I invite you to join me in this practice. If living from the place of Innocence within became a movement, a human attitude, a human pattern, oh, how much easier and simpler life would be! Trusting, loving, connected, playful, … aligned with the Mystery of Life.

The Innocence in me sees the Innocence in you.

Uli, your soul sister

My Dream Business – My Vision for the Planet

weisse_lilieMy dream business is to support women, men, teens to blossom into their Dharma, the deep meaning of their being here on Earth… to support them in finding their Gift… to guide them to look behind the facades… to lead them into an investigation of the Mystery of Life and their unique thread woven into the Divine Choreography of Life…. to invite them to consciously live the deeper meaning of their life…

I am doing this business on a local level already, now I am striving to give my gifts internationally: I listen with my ears and my heart. I aim to see behind the facade and mirror the greatness in each person. With mindfulness I speak words from my heart that allow for a new perspective on life experiences – thus the red thread becomes visible and tangible.

I love to witness each person flourishing when they connect with the deeper purpose of their life.

I envision a world where people live their calling consciously. In this world each of us is rooted in one’s deep purpose and thus serving the common good with one’s gifts. With this foundation we feel satisfied and happy which in turn provides us with a healthy and sustainable life style. Each individual consciously living the deeper life purpose contributes to a healthy and prospering planet.