Tag Archive | medicine

Your Contribution to Tomorrow’s World

Dear Courageous Soul,

You burst in tears – you want to contribute to a better world so badly. At the same time you feel so overwhelmed by all the bad news about the world we live in. “How can I be of any service?” This question tears your heart.

gelbe_blume_kleinWhenever you perceive a deficit, whenever you grieve on certain circumstances, whenever you get angry or furious about certain human behavior – it is a calling for your gift that you are here to offer to the world. It is a calling for your unique medicine that you carry in your heart that is desperately needed in the world. It is a calling for you to step into your inner and outer leadership.

If you can perceive the deficit, you have a vision of how it could be organized in a better way.

If you grieve on certain circumstances, you have an idea of what would be so beneficial and healing for these situations.

If you get angry or furious about certain human behavior, you hold a vision of the great potential that is not being used yet.

If you get triggered, you are being called forth to make a difference. Your playing small doesn’t help yourself nor anybody else. Your withdrawing and backing out doesn’t serve your soul nor humanity nor the world.

“Be the difference you want to see in the world”
~ Mahatma Ghandi

So I call you forth to become consciously aware of what you perceive, grieve, get angry or furious about. Ask yourself: What is it that I carry in me that could serve these situations? And then bring this medicine to the world around you. Take a stand for what is so very dear to your heart. Be true to yourself.

I call you forth to stand up and consciously offer us all your contribution for tomorrow’s world. Start where you are. Start with who you are. Start with what you have right now. The next steps will become visible once you are on the way. Be a conscious co-creator of our common future, of tomorrow’s world, of evolution.

I call you forth to grow into the next bigger version of yourself.

I bow to you in gratefulness,
Uli, your Soul Sister

PS: We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

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Clarity, Purpose, and Orientation

I gave my first webinar (in German) on the topic of “Clarity, Purpose, and Orientation” – where I also speak about dharma! ❤ ❤ During the webinar I emphasize the importance of knowing one’s values and give different input on how to find one’s values. Click here to see the video of the webinar.

Your Way

Dear Courageous Soul,

You tell me in so much detail how much you admire this other person for specific qualities. And at the same time you seem to shrink as you are not as admirable (you believe) as this other person. In your eyes this person is more than OK while you need to change and need to be fixed.

So I invite you to open your heart, open your horizon, open your vision in order to let go of pre-defined pictures. Will you allow Life to surprise you?

flieder_detail_klein_AusschnittLife (or however you call that which is bigger than you and me) has provided you with your unique You, your unique fragrance, your unique vibration, your unique flavor, your unique gift. Once you deposit the how-it-should-look-like, you are open to receive and perceive your unique way of being and doing.

Who are we to judge whether this way or that way is better? Isn’t it a denial of the sacredness of all-that-is? You are perfect as you are. You don’t need to copy anyone, you are the most beautiful version of You that exists! ❤ ❤ ❤ You are perfect as you are! As perfect as the future version of you that you are going to be! 😉

I invite you to dive curiously into the depths of your own being and discover the unique way of being you. There in the depth of your own being you’ll reconnect with your innocence – such a sacred place, such a pure joy, such a bright light.

You are a Courageous Soul, I can feel it, so you won’t die as a copy of someone else, you are about to live your life as the unique You that you are.

I admire your uniqueness, I celebrate your uniqueness, I cherish your uniqueness.

In reverence and love,

Uli – your Soul Sister

Your dharma is your uniqueness

huna_grafik_neuThe word dharma points to what is often called the cosmic order. It does not mean that you are a puppet on a string carrying out some plan made up by some higher being.

This term rather wants to remind us that we are inseparable from the invisible mystery that holds all-that-is. You and me and every form – we all are embodiments of the vast consciousness striving to birth itself over and over again. Your dharma is your “role” in the Divine Choreography of Life, your spice, your flavor, your uniqueness, your thread, your specific vibration, your fingerprint, your unique set of qualities, your medicine, your gift.

There are so many words we use to (try to) describe this ineffable unique quality of our being. They all show us the way to our own divine nature, our interconnectedness with all-that-is.

Rather than making up the meaning of our lives, we could ask the Mystery of Life: How do you want to express yourself through me today? How do you want to use my unique flavor for the good of all beings? What song do you want to play on the instrument that I am?