Tag Archive | humanity

Prayer to Kali Ma

Kali Ma Dark Goddess
Dark Queen of Destruction
So often misunderstood
Loving right to the edge

So often we humans
Misunderstand you and your power
Judge destruction as evil
Banish destruction into the underworld

But then I see
How brutally fellow humans are treated
How hard the heart of many has grown
How ignorant our attitude has become

And I feel that you are the one
Who destroys everything that doesn’t serve love
Who is commited to truth above everything
Who is rooted in pure feminine fierceness

So I consciously invite you in
To annihilate the brutality and make place for compassion
To break open human hearts so love may flow again
To kick our ass to become active aligned with our dharma

Kali Ma Dark Goddess
Dark Queen of Destruction
We need your help to destroy
All that doesn’t serve love