Why I am here

Uli FeichtingerI am an enthusiastic researcher investigating how to reconnect spirituality and daily life. I dedicate my life to my heart-felt wish to dissolving the seeming split between the sacred and the mundane.

This split between the sacred and the mundane only exists in our perception, in the way that we are used and trained to view the world. In the past we had good and intelligent reasons to detach spirituality from everyday life in order to serve humankind and its development.

However, the fact that we almost completly banished spirituality from our human life has led to many problems that we experience in the world today. The strong focus on material values has created a society that does not live in a healthy or sustainable way. Humankind risks destroying itself through addictive consumption, wars, clima crises, and environmental catastrophes.

margarite_miniThe next big step in human evolution is imminent: We are being called to enrich and expand modern material life through the aspect of a new alive spirituality. A major key for this step is empathy and compassion: We need to realize that we all, each and every individual, are part of a community that we call humankind. As long as we experience ourselves as isolated islands in an arbitrary life, competition and fight will dominate in order to secure the individual’s survival. As we begin to recognize ourselves (again) as a vital part of the Mystery of Life, we experience love for all-that-is. Such a deep connectedness gives rise to relationships that serve the growth of all involved – and thus serve the development of humankind as a whole.

Out of reverence for the Mystery of Life arises an inner attitude of care and appreciation. “Everything has to be done in a sacred manner.” (from: Message of the Hopi Elders) In the past the attitude that everything is holy was reserved for nuns and monks. Society explicitly liberated them from mundane duties for them to concentrate solely on spiritual engagement.

In our post-modern world we need post-modern nuns and monks – “ordinary people” living their spiritual practice in their everyday life and surroundings. Parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, sisters and brothers, entrepreneurs and employees, directors and teachers, cleaning ladies and road workers, therapists and trainers, dressmakers and hairdressers, you and me. These post-modern nuns and monks transcend hierarchy as they realize that every occupation is sacred and necessary, that every occupation serves the Mystery of Life.

I am rooted in an international circle of female spiritual pracititioners gathering around Chameli Ardagh and her Awakening Women Institute. In this circle we practice spirituality, independently from religions, even though we draw on myths or archetypes from different traditions to support us in meeting life challenges. The shared intention of our spiritual practice is to really inhabit our bodies (embodiment) in order to be awake and fresh in the present moment. We practice to not react automatically and habitually to outer impulses, but to lead a life that arises from fresh responses to each new moment.

I am committed to my personal daily spiritual practice, the foundation of all my activities. In my talks, coachings, trainings, workshops, women’s temples I only pass on what I have explored myself – and what I have found useful. My personal experience is my treasure chest that I love to open and share with others.


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