Tag Archive | innocence

Sister Arrogance

grafik_ahninnenSister Arrogance
I see you
carrying your head high
walking with a straight spine
holding your face rigid

You are so wise
I honor your wisdom
your knowledge
your intuition

What is the reason
You feel you need to show everybody
how much better and wiser
you are than anybody else

Why is your wisdom connected to
This hardened heart of yours
Where did you lose the connection
To your innocent heart
What do you fear
What do you want to hide

Sister Arrogance
Let’s walk together for a while
Through the moonlit night
Under the vast dark sky with stars
Let’s breathe and open our heart
To the mystery that surrounds us

How can we find the way
You and I – together
How can we find the way
Back to love and innocence

Do you feel my longing for innocence
For connection to the innocent heart
For connection from heart to heart
For a love that shouts out,
“I cannot not love you.”

Oh, Kali Ma, Kali Ma
Teach me to love
Teach me to love in a way
That I shout out like you,
“I cannot not love you.”

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Your Way

Dear Courageous Soul,

You tell me in so much detail how much you admire this other person for specific qualities. And at the same time you seem to shrink as you are not as admirable (you believe) as this other person. In your eyes this person is more than OK while you need to change and need to be fixed.

So I invite you to open your heart, open your horizon, open your vision in order to let go of pre-defined pictures. Will you allow Life to surprise you?

flieder_detail_klein_AusschnittLife (or however you call that which is bigger than you and me) has provided you with your unique You, your unique fragrance, your unique vibration, your unique flavor, your unique gift. Once you deposit the how-it-should-look-like, you are open to receive and perceive your unique way of being and doing.

Who are we to judge whether this way or that way is better? Isn’t it a denial of the sacredness of all-that-is? You are perfect as you are. You don’t need to copy anyone, you are the most beautiful version of You that exists! ❤ ❤ ❤ You are perfect as you are! As perfect as the future version of you that you are going to be! 😉

I invite you to dive curiously into the depths of your own being and discover the unique way of being you. There in the depth of your own being you’ll reconnect with your innocence – such a sacred place, such a pure joy, such a bright light.

You are a Courageous Soul, I can feel it, so you won’t die as a copy of someone else, you are about to live your life as the unique You that you are.

I admire your uniqueness, I celebrate your uniqueness, I cherish your uniqueness.

In reverence and love,

Uli – your Soul Sister


Dear Courageous Soul,

The Innocence in me sees the Innocence in you.

weiße_dolde_duftend_fruehlingNo matter how hard we all try to protect our innocent and vulnerable core behind thick clothes or walls, this beautiful loving essence continues to shine brightly. These True Colors are who we really are at the core of our being.

We have so many good reasons that make us think or feel that we have to protect ourselves and our innocence. We have all made our experiences that made us believe that it is not safe to live from this place of innocence deep down in us.

Our Innocence is nothing we need to overcome, deny, or hide away. Our Innocence is a pure source of joyfulness and trust. In this place we feel interconnected, we feel being met by the benevolent presence of Life. In this place failure and separation don’t exist – not even the notion of it. In this place we are completely immersed in our dharma, in our true being – we feel one with the Mystery of Life.

Feel into your own inner depth – right now. Can you feel this innocent loving part in you? Smiling at the Mystery of Life in awe and wonder – and at the same time with such an intrinsic sense of being “right”. All is well, this is a friendly mystery.

About a year ago I promised myself that I would cherish my Innocence and live my life from this place of Innocence. I admit that I don’t manage every day, but I have my reminders and stay rooted in this intention. I return to my Innocence consciously. I invite you to join me in this practice. If living from the place of Innocence within became a movement, a human attitude, a human pattern, oh, how much easier and simpler life would be! Trusting, loving, connected, playful, … aligned with the Mystery of Life.

The Innocence in me sees the Innocence in you.

Uli, your soul sister